Choose Your Target Group: St.Valentine's Gift in Japan

In Japan, women buy the gift on St. Valentine's Day. 
They buy small chocolate boxes for men around them (even their bosses) and big cholocates for the guy they love. Men give back gifts on White Day, 14th March.

Morinaga, a Japanese cholocate company, thought that not only women but also men should buy chocolates on Feb 14th and changed their target group buy reversing the package in 2009. They aimed to double their sales:

This "special" package catches your eyes immediately. On blue ribbon it says "gyaku-choko (reverse chocolate) - this year you should buy chocolates!"

I should add that White Day on 14th of March is created by Japanese textile companies who were inspired by the Japanese tradition of showing gratitude by giving back a gift. There is no such White Day in any other country.


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